Refresh react native android studio
Refresh react native android studio

refresh react native android studio

I should mention that installing Android Studio is not always easy. Sudo snap install android-studio -classic Linux users can install OpenJDK and Android STudio with the following two commands: To run Android Studio, you'll first need a Java Development Kit. Instead we'll use Android Studio to display our output to a cell phone emulator. Since we're not making web pages that will render in a browser, we won't be able to simply run a local server and test our code in Chrome. Also, I'll focus on running an Android app instead of an iOS app. I'm working in Ubuntu 18.04 and some of my commands are Linux specific.

refresh react native android studio

But we will go over getting started, explore some basic React Native syntax, and test our code with Android Studio. This tutorial won't cover deploying your app to the Mac or Android store where a user can download it. You can install it globally with the following command: It takes the place of ReactDOM, which you use for regular web pages.

refresh react native android studio

React Native is a library that converts JavaScript and React code into the native langauges used by both Android and Mac devices. If you've been making web pages with JavaScript and React, and you want to try apps that users can download and install onto their phones, then React Native is the path of least resistance.

Refresh react native android studio